LESSON 3: Collaborative Software Development#

Lecture notes for the lesson on introduction to collaborative software development. These notes contains the following pointers for the instructor:

  • Numbers between [] are indicative of how much time should be spend in each topic or exercise to keep in track with the lesson schedule.

  • The text in Instructor note contain explanations or reminders for the instructor. For example:

    Instructor’s Note

    An SSH key must be set to push changes to a remote repository in GitHub.


This contains general information about the lesson and illustrations for supporing the explanations of some of the concepts, and

Collaborative software development


Instructor’s Note

The instructor must collect particiapant’s user names for GitHub/Gitlab the day before, so that they can be invited to collaborative repositories. We recommend a Google form, or similar solution.

The following helps the instructor to set up a terminal that will show the history of command from one terminal in another. This helps participant to keep track of what commands have been typed by the instructor.

  1. On main terminal:

 export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
  1. On second (history) terminal:

 tail -f ~/.bash_history | nl -w 3

Windows Terminal (Preview)#

Shortcuts for the Windows Terminal (Preview) App on Windows 11.



Split pane horizontally

Alt + Shift + -

Split pane vertically

Alt + Shift + +

Close a pane

Ctrl+Shift + w

Move pane focus

Alt + Arrow keys

Resize the focused pane

Alt+Shift + Arrow keys

MacOS Terminal#

Shortcuts for the terminal in MacOS



Split pane horizontally

Cmd + d

Close a pane

Shift + Cmd + d

i. Recapitulation Operations with Remotes#

[5 min]

Common operations with remotes

Instructor’s Note

  • Recap slide on how local repostories and remotes are connected and how to work with remotes (Slides).

  • Recap what clone, fetch, merge, pull and push commands do.

Episode 1: Collaborative Platforms#

3.1.1. Connecting to Code Repositories#

[10 min]

  • Ask participants using Windows not to start Git Bash clicking on the desktop icon, as they did in Lesson 1. Instead,

    • use the app menu (the Windows logo)

    • pick up Git Bash from the list

    • launch Git Bash with the option Run as administrator available from the drop-down submenu. The participants need to type in their credentials as local administrators. This gain authority to have SSH installing its own features in their laptop next.

Instructor’s Note

At their very first git push, Git might complain about a mismatch between the credentials of local and global administrator. The warning itself suggests another Git command as the remedy to this impasse.

Setting up SSH connection for GitHub#

Instructor’s Note

GitHub requires authentication via SSH to do pulls and pushes, but not for cloning. Use slides to explain what a SSH connection entitles.

  • Ask participants to test the connection with:

        ssh -T git@github.com
  • To connect via SSH do the following:

    1. Create a Key-pair inside the .ssh in the Home directory

          # move to Home directory
          cd ~
          # create key
          ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com"
          # save to the default location and file name: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    2. Check the keys have been created

          ls ~/.ssh/
    3. Start the ssh-agent and add private key to agent:

          # start agent
          eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
          # add private key
          ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
    4. Instruct SSH to use key files in different locations:

          ssh -i <path/private/keyfile>

    Instructor’s Note

    Window’s user would need to set up the ssh-agent* to start the automatically Mac and Linux user don’t have to worry about this.

  1. Copy public key to GitHub:

        clip < .ssh/id_ed25519.pub

Instructor’s Note

Go to GitHub, explain the basics of the interface and

  1. add the SSH key.

        Profile > Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH key > Add SSH key
  2. Test SSH connection

        ssh -T git@github.com

Instructor’s Note

The message for a successful outcome is friendly and plain.Ask participants whether git@github.com has welcomed them.

2. Publishing Local Repository to GitHub#

[5 min]

  1. Create GitHub Repo: Go to Github and create an public empty repository called workshop. Repo description: workshop on collaborative development

  2. Add Remote to Local Repo: before this remove any existing remotes in the repository with: git remote remove <name>

Move back to the repo directory: ~/Desktop/ In your local repository (on the terminal), add the remote repository and push the content.

  • Connect to remote

        git remote add origin git@github.com:<user-name>/<repo-name>.git
  • Check that remote was added

        git remote -v
        git branch -M main # [Optional if config was changed. This will change the name of the main branch of the repo to make it more friendly]
        git push -u origin main

3. Check the Content’s Repositoy is in GitHub#

Go back to your repo page and refresh the browser.

Instructor’s Note


3.1.2. Exploring the GitHub GUI#

[5 min]

Collaborative platform host and manage remote repositories to enable collaborative development.

Instructor’s Notes

Ask participants if they are familiar with GitHub. If not, give a short explanation of what it is for how to explore the GUI.

Mention GitLab at TU Delft as an alternative for a collaborative platform: https://gitlab.tudelft.nl/

3.1.3. Collaborating#

[5 min]

Participants are invited as collaborators to the check-in repository. Participants must have permission to merge pull requets.

  1. Demo on how to invite collaborators using the check-in repository.

  2. Paticipant accept inviation via email or GitHub GUI.

Exercise 1 — Startig with Collaboration [10 mins]

Lesson 3 Episode 1 — Clone a reposiory and make a contribution

Time: 10 min

Please perform the following tasks individually.

  1. Clone the Check-in repository via SSH: manuGil/check-in

  2. Make a copy of the file check-in/template.md in the same directory; give it an anonymous name, ex. <name-initials><3-last-digits-phone>.md

  3. Open your copy of template.md and add something to the lists in the file.

  4. Commit your changes, and push them to the remote repository. You might experience difficulties doing that, follow the suggestions given by Git.

  5. Reflect on the difficulties you faced, and how we might avoid them.

Instructor’s Note

While completing this exercise, many participants will be warned by Git that they have to pull changes before pushing their contribution. This situation should be used as a pre-amble to branching.

No answer are provided for this exercise.

Episode 2: Collaborative Development for Research Software#

3.2.1. Introduction to collaboration in software projects#

[5 min]

Instructor’s Note

  • An Quick introduction to collaborative development. Definitions (Slides).

Developing high quality software requires more than programming and technical skill. Exceptionally good programmers can produce high quality software by themselves. But good programmers will need to collaborate in order to develop complex, high quality software.

  • Explain the difference between private and close collaboration.

  • When to Aim for a Collaborative Approach?

3.2.2 Managing Research Software Projects#

[2 min]

Instructor’s Note

Explain why management is important for developing software, the key factors to consider, and recommend a management strategy (slides)

Key Factors:

  • Purpose

  • People

  • Time

  • Maintenance

3.2.3 Organising Research Team for Collaborative Development#

[3 mins]

Instructor’s Note

Rores and Responsibilities

Describe the responsibilities for each role and why they are important for a research-software development project.


  • Project owner

  • Administrator

  • Reviewer

  • Collaborator

Questions? [10 min]

Exercise 2 — Roles and Responsibilities

Lesson 3 Episode 2 — Roles and Responsibilities

Time: 6 min

Please perform the following tasks in teams.

  1. Make teams of 3 or 4 people. You will work together during group exercises.

  2. Assign roles and responsibilities to each member; you should and up with:

    • One project owner

    • One administrator

    • One or more collaborators

    • Zero or more reviewers

  3. Choose a name for the team.

No answer are provided for this exercise.

Episode 3: Collaborative Workflows#

3.3.1. Documenting Issues#

[8 min]

Document and track ideas and tasks in a development project. They facilitate planning, discussing and tracking the progress of a software project.

Instructor’s Note

Do-along. Instruct participant on how to crate issues in a repository. Participants create issue in their recently pushed repository.

Collaborative workflows are estrategies to organise the work of a development team so that many developers can contribute to a software project. Two common estrategies that use version control and collaborative platforms as leverage are:

  • The branching workflow and

  • The forking workflow

3.3.2. Centralised workflow: branching#

Instructor’s Note

A short explanation on the branching workflow (slides)

Exercise 3 — Branching workflow

Lesson 3 Episode 3 — Branching workflow

Time: 15 min

As a Team, work on the following coding taks using the branch worflow model.

  1. [Administrator] Creates a repository using this template

  2. [Administrator] Invites all team members to the team’s repository as collaborators.

  3. [Team] Read the TODO.md file and each member choses a tasks for the next step.

  4. [Collaborator] each member opens an issue for the chosen task.

  5. [Collaborator] Apply the branching model to complete the chosen task.

  6. [Collaborator] Commit and push changes to the team’s repository.

No answer are provided for this exercise.

3.3.3. Pull requests#

[5 min]

Instructor’s Note

Ask participant if they already have experience with making pull request.

Explain what pull request are, and give a demo. Then teams follow the steps in the exercise below to create and merge pull requests.

Exercise 3 — Pull requests [6 min]

Lesson 3 Episode 3 — Pull requests

Time: 6 min

Working as a team merge the changes made in the previous exercise into the main branch of the team’s repository.

  1. [Collaborators] create a pull request for their own branch. Give your pull request a meaning name, and a short and clear description.

  2. Are there any conflicts? Resolve them using the GitHuB GUI. Ask for help if you need to.

  3. [Collaborators] Merge the pull request to the main branch using the method of their choice.

  4. Check the main branch to confirm that your changes have been merged.

No answer are provided for this exercise.

3.3.4. Shared workflow: forking#

[5 min]

Instructor’s Note

A short explanation on the fork workflow (slides)

Exercise 3 — Forking Workflow

Lesson 3 Episode 3 — Forking workflow

Time: 15 min

Working in teams, apply FAIR principle to a Git repository using a FAIR software checklist.

  1. [Administrator] creates a repository for the team using the collab-faircode template repository. As name for the reposotory use -faircode

  2. [Team] Go thru the Fair software checklist and assign one item from the list to each member.

  3. [Collaborator] open an issue about the item you chose.

  4. [Collaborator] fork the team’s repository to their accounts.

  5. [Collaborator] Clone their fork to their local machine, make changes to address ther issue and push changes to their forks.

  6. [Collaborator] Make a pull request from your fork to the base repository.

No answer are provided for this exercise.

Instructor’s Note

Ask participants if they have Questions.

Lesson Summary#

[5 min]

  • SHH is a secure way to connect to Code repositories.

  • Collaborative workflows provide a way to organize a team around a software project.

  • Workflows: branching (centralized) and forking (shared)

  • High quality software requires good planning and management.

  • Adopting roles and responsibilities can help teams to organize their work.