Lesson 3 Episode 3 — Forking workflow

Lesson 3 Episode 3 — Forking workflow#

Time: 15 min

Working in teams, apply FAIR principle to a Git repository using a FAIR software checklist.

  1. [Administrator] creates a repository for the team using the collab-faircode template repository. As name for the reposotory use -faircode

  2. [Team] Go thru the Fair software checklist and assign one item from the list to each member.

  3. [Collaborator] open an issue about the item you chose.

  4. [Collaborator] fork the team’s repository to their accounts.

  5. [Collaborator] Clone their fork to their local machine, make changes to address ther issue and push changes to their forks.

  6. [Collaborator] Make a pull request from your fork to the base repository.