Lesson 1 Episode 3 — Load committed versions in the working tree#
Please perform the following tasks individually
Modify the file in the working tree at your pleasure recalling the versions in the history. The Git commands below may help you there (their order is just alphabetical)
git diff HEAD~m Lines.txt git log --oneline git restore --sources HEAD~n Lines.txt
where \(m\) and \(n\) are integers of your liking, including \(0\)
REQUIRED for the continuation (but not as a rule) 1. NEVER STAGE OR COMMIT 2. Make sure that you finish with a clean working tree at HEAD
Formulate your own explanation of what you have observed The following questions are two sides of the same coin:
What did you ask Git to do?
What did Git do for you?
Are there shortcuts to do the same with less typing?